Modern Stormwater Design Software Makes

Hydraulics & Hydrology Detention Pond Design Watershed Modeling Storm Sewer Design Culvert Design Open Channels


Easy-to-use Stormwater Design Software for Civil & Environmental Engineers

Upgrade your stormwater design and modeling capabilities with Hydrology Studio software suite. Whether you need to design detention ponds, analyze storm sewers, model culverts, or explore open channel hydraulics, this suite has got you covered.

It’s the ideal choice for engineers involved in commercial and residential site development. Take advantage of our flexible purchasing options – buy individual programs or opt for the discounted bundle.

Better H&H Software. The Happiest Customers.

Rated #1 by civil and consulting engineers alike

Introducing the Hydrology Studio Suite

Discover the ultimate solution for all your stormwater design and modeling needs with the Hydrology Studio Suite. This comprehensive collection of five exceptional drainage design programs is available at an incredibly affordable price.

Experience a significant boost in productivity as you streamline and standardize your stormwater design processes. Not only that, but you can also achieve a consistent and professional look across your entire firm. It’s no wonder that this is our most sought-after offering.

stormwater modeling and design software
best stormwater modeling design software

Hydrology Studio

Detention Pond Design Software You'll Enjoy Using

Hydrology Studio uses an interactive basin model diagram that lets you easily point and click your way through pre- and post-development site designs and complex watersheds.

Provides NRCS TR20, TR55 runoff compatibility, Rational and Modified Rational methods.

Create runoff hydrographs, combine, route and divert hydrographs. Interactive detention pond design. Best-in-class reports.

Learn more about Hydrology Studio

Stormwater Studio

Storm Sewer Design Software, Simplified

Design, model or analyze complete storm sewer systems with a variety of HEC22 inlets and catch basins in less time. Design using energy-based HGL/EGL calculations. Get rewarded with graphic-rich surface and profile plots, outstanding graphics and reporting. Agency-friendly. User friendly. 

Learn more about Stormwater Studio

Storm sewer design software
Stormwater Modeling Software

Studio Express

Must-have Hydraulics and Hydrology Software

When you need answers fast, this is your go-to hydraulics and hydrology software. Model open channels, pipes, weirs, orifices and inlets…on the fly! Create runoff hydrographs and estimate required storages for detention ponds. Includes retention pond recovery analysis!

Learn more about Studio Express

Culvert Studio

Modern-day Culvert Modeling Software

Upgrade your obsolete culvert design software to a cutting-edge solution that surpasses all expectations. Culvert Studio provides an immersive user interface coupled with reliable and proven methodologies, ensuring unparalleled performance.

Model single-barrel crossings, multi-barrel culverts with a variety of shapes, sizes, slopes, inlet configurations and materials. Handles any flow regime with overtopping flow.

Learn more about Culvert Studio

Stormwater Modeling Software
storm water modeling software

Channel Studio

Your Favorite Open Channel Modeling Software

Channel Studio is an easy-to-use tool for performing hydraulic analysis on open channel systems.

Compute water surface profiles in any flow regime for any open channel including bridge structures, culvert crossings and inline weirs. Also performs bridge scour. 

Learn more about Channel Studio

Why Use Hydrology Studio?

Who Uses Hydrology Studio?