Insightful articles to help you be the best at Hydraulics & Hydrology
How to Build a Watershed Model, Part I
Learn how to create a basin model for a watershed in Hydrology Studio.
How to Build a Watershed Model, Part II
Learn how to create a basin model for a watershed in Hydrology Studio.
The Best Way to Design a Detention Pond Structure
A step-by-step approach to designing an outlet structure in the fewest steps.
A Pre/Post Development Detention Pond Example
A step-by-step example on detention pond design using the NRCS method.
The Rational Method vs. NRCS Method
Rational, Modified Rational and the NRCS are compared side-by-side.
The Modified Rational Method, Step-by-Step
A step-by-step example of how to apply the Modified Rational method.
Bioretention Pond Design
How to model an infiltration basin, bioretention pond or rain garden.
When Detention Pond Routings Fail
Learn how to troubleshoot detention pond routings when things go wrong.
How to Design Using Volumetric Detention
It satisfies both peak release rate and volume restriction criteria, easily.
How NRCS Hydrographs Are Made
Learn how NRSC hydrographs are constructed in Hydrology Studio.
Connecting a Pond to a Storm Sewer System
Here’s how to connect your storm sewer to a detention pond.
Water Surface Profiles for Storm Sewers
Gain a stronger understanding of storm sewer hydraulics. Very popular!
Water Surface Profiles for Open Channels, Part I
This popular article bridges the gap between college and the real world.
Water Surface Profiles for Open Channels, Part II
Teaches you how to think “gradually” when modeling open channels.
A Video Introduction to Channel Studio
Introductory video walks you through the basics of Channel Studio and many of its cool features.
Draw Curved Reaches on a Map in Channel Studio
This video shows how easy it is to add a bitmap background image as a map, geo-reference it, and add curved reaches to it. Much more.
Retention Pond Recovery Analysis, Example 1
Design example calculates infiltration times in a shallow, sandy aquifer.
Retention Pond Recovery Analysis, Example 2
Design example calculates infiltration times for underground chambers.
Exfiltration Trench Recovery Time Example
Design example calculates recovery times for an exfiltration trench.
Model & Design Culverts in Culvert Studio
Modeling culverts to obtain a winning final design using Culvert Studio.